Tuesday, 10 December 2019
What people use to build there homes
People in africa are using plastic bottles to build there homes, They are recyceling plastic bottles because the dont have much building materals. They also use shipping contaners and many more to build staybel homes, some people dont have homes to live in that is really unbelevabel. luckly for some people are building strong homes for other people.
Blog task 1
Many people choose to design their own dream home. There are a lot of factors to think about when building your own home.
What do you think are some factors to consider when designing your own home?
1. Materials
2. Cost
3. Spacing
4. Timing
5. Time
6. Quality
Friday, 6 December 2019
The Social Network
The Social Network rules -
Rule 1 - No inappropriate live steam's and videos
Rule 2 - No personal information about you
Rule 3 - No passwords for socal media
Rule 4 - Dont tell strangers your phone number
Rule 5 - Not give anyone your passports and other important
Rule 1 - No inappropriate live steam's and videos
Rule 2 - No personal information about you
Rule 3 - No passwords for socal media
Rule 4 - Dont tell strangers your phone number
Rule 5 - Not give anyone your passports and other important
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Mass Migration
On this task we had to give a option about donald trump building a wall between the Usa and Mexico.
My option is no because people in mexico are good people they dont deserve getting blocked by the rest of the world. I also think that donald trump is out of his mine but not to be offended but i just feeling like its not right to do that to them, they deserve freedom to anywhere they travel.

Photo form wikipedia
Photo form wikipedia
Fighting for Freedom
I would like to protest about climate change and racism. The reason why i want to talk about racism is because when people are at a sports event they would be call white or black and that is not good even children is under this effection. The reason why I wanna protest about climate change is because some people are dying cause of it what is so sad is that 1 billon people can't even get access to clean water.
If we help people stop this from happening we all would have a better future
Leading the Charge
If i was principal of Glenbrae primary school i would change
1. Make another pool for the senior
1. Make another pool for the senior
2. Make the class rooms bigger
3. Upgrade the parks
4. New changing rooms
5. Spa for teachers
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
The Columbian Exchange
The most postive person in my whole life is my mother, she has help me throw some rough times like this year. Even though she is not here with me right now i still love her. She has inspered me to do many things that she has done in the past. If my mum was still here we would have done many things like having fun.
When the Rubber Hits the Road
Ngakiri - She is greatful for her family because they support her
Viliam - He is greatful for his family and his education
Tyra - She is greatful for her friends and family
Mathew - He is greatful for his family because they take care of him
Candice - She is greatful for her family and friends
Lilo - She is greatful for her family
Viliam - He is greatful for his family and his education
Tyra - She is greatful for her friends and family
Mathew - He is greatful for his family because they take care of him
Candice - She is greatful for her family and friends
Lilo - She is greatful for her family
The Rainman of Rajasthan
Most people around the world are drinking dirty water due to the pollution impact, about 1 bilion people can't reach clean water. People like Peter Chase had made The water projet meaning people around the world have access to clean fresh water. Peter and his team are hero's saving people from drinking drity water and providing thme with clean water.
This projet is trying to restore the drity water with fresh clean water, the main goal for this organsation it to help people in other countrys that have dirty polluted water. They are giving access to people in south afica because they have polluted waters.
This projet is trying to restore the drity water with fresh clean water, the main goal for this organsation it to help people in other countrys that have dirty polluted water. They are giving access to people in south afica because they have polluted waters.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Equal Pay for Equal Work
I think that the black ferns should get the same payment as the
All Blacks because they are practically in the same group but the are just different genders.
But because the All Blacks are in the men’s professional rugby team they will get paid more,
maybe because of the company that they are with. If the black ferns were in the women's
professional Rugby team they would have got paid the same amount of money.
similes about Shelly Ann
She is as fast as a jet
she's as beautiful as a bunch of flowers
she is as tall as a statue
she is as happy as calm
she is as shiny as a new pin
This is my similes about shelly Ann
she's as beautiful as a bunch of flowers
she is as tall as a statue
she is as happy as calm
she is as shiny as a new pin
This is my similes about shelly Ann
Monday, 2 December 2019
Tena Koutou Greetings
Ko Maunga toku My mountain is Mt wellington
Ko tamaki toku Awa My river is tamaki
Ko pacific toku Moana My ocean is pacific
Ko waka toku My Ancestors come from cook island.
Ko willie toku papa My father/grandfather is . moe
Ko mii toku whaea/matua My Aunty/Uncle is winner
Ko toku ingoa My name is Bianca
Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Maths 2
She paints the large cube red.
How many of the original small cubes have:
- three faces painted red: 8 because each corner has 4 squares.
- two faces painted red: 4 in each corner
- one face painted red: 2 in each corner
- no faces painted red: 1 in the middle of the square.
Maths 1
Simon has just discovered copycats. A square is a copycat because you can put four of them together to make another square.
Yes because you can put four triangles together but you can’t do it with a circle.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Caring for planet earth
Caring for planet earth - many people are taking
responsibility of looking after our planet because of the
pollution from
happening in other countries.
We can reduce this from happening by making
sure that our rubbish and other plastic things are put into the
sure that our rubbish and other plastic things are put into the
right place.
If we reduce the amount of rubbish in the
animals and in the sea our plant we be
a clean and green place to live in.
animals and in the sea our plant we be
a clean and green place to live in.
How we can reduce the amount of
rubbish and how we can put a stop to this -
rubbish and how we can put a stop to this -
We can do this by helping people
pick up rubbish from sea to land,
recycling and helping the animals.
pick up rubbish from sea to land,
recycling and helping the animals.
Ozone layer -
When us humans are traveling
the gas for any vehicles that run
on gasoline are cars that are polluting
the air and destroying our ozone layer.
To stop this people are making cars that run on
power that comes from the sun.
These cars will help us save our planet.
the gas for any vehicles that run
on gasoline are cars that are polluting
the air and destroying our ozone layer.
To stop this people are making cars that run on
power that comes from the sun.
These cars will help us save our planet.
Humans and animals -
Us humans and animals are
polluting the are too by farting
, our farts are made out of
chemicals and gases.
If our gases break open the ozone
layer the ice in antarctica
will melt and sea levels
will rise and island will drown.
polluting the are too by farting
, our farts are made out of
chemicals and gases.
If our gases break open the ozone
layer the ice in antarctica
will melt and sea levels
will rise and island will drown.
If we continue polluting
people die from the
chemicals coming
from cars and other things.
people die from the
chemicals coming
from cars and other things.
If we put a stop
to this our planet will be saved.:))))
to this our planet will be saved.:))))
By Bianca
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Explanation about pollution
- Gas comes for cars traveling to point A and point B,
- to school and to other places most people die because of all the pollution
- and some gas.
- When you are traveling the gas for any vehicles that run on gasoline are
- cars that are polluting the air can cause major things like animals dying,
- plants
- go dry, no water and poison.
- If poison is in our body we could die in seconds, If the air that we are
- breathing
- can kill us if we are polluting the earth.
- If we stop people from polluting the air our world would be a clean and
- green place to live.
- In december 2009 a treaty to replace kyoto protocol will be drawn up in
- copenhagen
- . New figures suggest that by the end of the century global sea levels could rise
- as
- much as 1.5 meters.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Day 4 of Camp
It's sadly the last day of camp. Went to Russell to have a little tour around the town. First group 3 and half of group 2 first went to the Catholic church called Christ Church, at the church we saw Hone Heke. Some people hated him because he had shot the church about 5 times. After that, we went to the Pompallier house. We learnt how to make clothing with cow skin, sheepskin and other animal skin.
Then we walk up a mountain called Flagstaff hill. It was a long walk but we got to the top we could see a beautiful view. It was amazing to see the Waitangi treaty grounds and the flags. We kept on walking until we got to the very top, then we performed a haka.
After walking down we went to the museum. In the museum had a lot of things the Moari use in the olden day like the Patu and other things, there was also a big boat. Then we went back to the bus to eat lunch and stop for a toilet break.
After the activities were done we went to Haruru falls, It was so nice seeing the side view of the waterfall. Then we travelled back to Oronga bay. We went back had our showers and had dinner. After we did a talent quest, It was very funny then we went to the campfire to have smores. We had some sad moments to remember what we did there. Then we walked back to our cabins and slept for the last time.
Then we walk up a mountain called Flagstaff hill. It was a long walk but we got to the top we could see a beautiful view. It was amazing to see the Waitangi treaty grounds and the flags. We kept on walking until we got to the very top, then we performed a haka.
After walking down we went to the museum. In the museum had a lot of things the Moari use in the olden day like the Patu and other things, there was also a big boat. Then we went back to the bus to eat lunch and stop for a toilet break.
After the activities were done we went to Haruru falls, It was so nice seeing the side view of the waterfall. Then we travelled back to Oronga bay. We went back had our showers and had dinner. After we did a talent quest, It was very funny then we went to the campfire to have smores. We had some sad moments to remember what we did there. Then we walked back to our cabins and slept for the last time.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Day 3 of Camp
Its the next day of Camp. First, we get ready in our school uniform. After getting ready we went on the bus and travelled to Kerikeri. When we arrived at Kerikeri we split into 2 groups so that we could all rotate when we are all done with one place. Group 3 with Mrs Atuahive went to the kemp house, in the kemp we learnt that the kemp family use to stay there. They also left some of there furniture and dolls in a little girls bedroom. After that, we went to the stone store. At the stone store, we did a little treasure hunt we were looking for the answers to our paper. We did not get a lot of time because we had to move to the next location.
Next, we went to Rewa's Village, When we got there we learnt a lot about the native trees. Then at the bottom of the hill, we saw a waka. The waka could probably fit 6 or 7 people in it. After that, we went back to the bus to have lunch. After lunch, we meet up with Chris and Magnus. They were telling us about the treasure hunt. After explaining in our group we went looking for clues that could lead to the answers on our map. They shortly we meet up with Mrs Tofa and Magnus, We all had to try fit into one whole group because of of the teachers could not make it. After all that was done, we went back to the bus and travelled back to Russell when we got to our campsite we went to the pool for free time. Then when all the groups had a turn in the pool we went and had our showers, after our showers we went back to the command room to have dinner. when dinner was done we cleaned up and went to bed so that we could wake up early for the next day.
Next, we went to Rewa's Village, When we got there we learnt a lot about the native trees. Then at the bottom of the hill, we saw a waka. The waka could probably fit 6 or 7 people in it. After that, we went back to the bus to have lunch. After lunch, we meet up with Chris and Magnus. They were telling us about the treasure hunt. After explaining in our group we went looking for clues that could lead to the answers on our map. They shortly we meet up with Mrs Tofa and Magnus, We all had to try fit into one whole group because of of the teachers could not make it. After all that was done, we went back to the bus and travelled back to Russell when we got to our campsite we went to the pool for free time. Then when all the groups had a turn in the pool we went and had our showers, after our showers we went back to the command room to have dinner. when dinner was done we cleaned up and went to bed so that we could wake up early for the next day.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Day 2 of Camp
Now its Day two of camp and my group did team-building with Mrs Raj and Miss Atuahiva. In team building, we had to solve hard activities like the human knot, The human knot is played with players getting tangled and trying to figure an out a way for them to try and untangle them self without letting go of the player.
Next, we went to bushcraft with Chris. The first thing that we did was trying to make a shelter with nature and other things that you could find laying around to build a shelter. After that, we went out in the woods to find dry sticks for a fire to make hot chocolate. After finding the dry sticks we lit a fire and put the dry sticks into the barrel, after that the hot chocolate we went for lunch in the common room.
After lunch, the people that did not go kayaking went for a swim in the pool. After two of the groups were finished with swimming we all went for a shower and got ready for dinner. After dinner, we went to our cabins to sleep for the next day.
Next, we went to bushcraft with Chris. The first thing that we did was trying to make a shelter with nature and other things that you could find laying around to build a shelter. After that, we went out in the woods to find dry sticks for a fire to make hot chocolate. After finding the dry sticks we lit a fire and put the dry sticks into the barrel, after that the hot chocolate we went for lunch in the common room.
After lunch, the people that did not go kayaking went for a swim in the pool. After two of the groups were finished with swimming we all went for a shower and got ready for dinner. After dinner, we went to our cabins to sleep for the next day.
Monday, 9 September 2019
Day 1 of Camp
Day one camp was an experience for all of us. First, we went to Whangarei to have a quick lunch break and toilet break, after lunch we went straight to the Waitangi treaty grounds for a waiata at the marae. But before that we meet Chris and Magnus, We played a little game so that Chris, Magnus and the other tourists could all know what our names were.
Then we went to the marae for a welcoming powhiri, After the powhiri, they performed a little item for us. Then we walked to James Busby house, we learnt a lot of information about James Busby. We saw some of the things that he had left in his house.
After seeing James Busby house we went to the worlds biggest waka. Before that, we went to the face of the boat and did a hongi. After seeing the waka we went to a small museum to learn about the treaty of Waitangi, we learnt a lot about the treaty of Waitangi.
After that, we went to the bus and started another journey to the fairy to Russell. Then we headed to our campsite, When we got there we unpacked our stuff and played a little scavenger hunt. Then we went into the common room for dinner, after dinner, we went for a shower then headed to our cabins to rest for the next day.
Friday, 2 August 2019
farewell Miss Elia
Miss elia
Glenbrae school
leybourne circle
Glen innes
Dear Miss Elia
Thank you, Miss Elia, for always being there for me. To me, you have been at this school for 7 years. You are a very kind and generous person. To acknowledge the things you have done for me like planning trips for us and other special things that mean a lot to me. You have helped me with my work and helped me to be more confident in speeches and around others. The best moments I have had with you was when we always had a good laugh and talk about me graning my confidence and always telling me I can do the things I can't do. I have had a very good time with you miss Elia. It will be very emotional to see you go. Last of all, thank you miss Elia for supporting me in everything you have done. I hope you enjoy your travels and your retirement. Stay healthy and safe on your travels. Thanks you
Yours sincerely - Bianca Tua
Friday, 29 March 2019
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Maths reflction
Today in maths I have been learning about decimals.
We also learnt about decimal tables that are in the order of Hundreds, Tens,
then it goes on to tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
The thing that was was interesting was learning more
about desimal table and learning decimals,
I really enjoyed learning decimals.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Reading toitoi book with PWC
Today the PWC( Price waterhouse cooper) people came to our class room. Their names are Charlotte, Venice, Breanne, Lee and courtney. They all came to talk about the new book from toitoi.
Toitoi is a company that creates new books with different types of arts and stories. Kids from other schools submit there art work and writings to toitoi so toitoi can publish in the toitoi books.
During reading the toitoi book we read six storys called bright furture, A narrow escape, Wild conditions, New school, broken city and grief. We all enjoyed read and had lots of fun with Lee and also reading the toitoi book.
PWC stands for price waterhouse cooper and are working with the financial literacy. My favourite story in the toitoi book was Wild condition and A narrow escape.
By Bianca
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Hi my name is Bianca, I am a year 7 student at glenbrae school.
My teacher is Mrs Tofa. My hobbies are playing with my friends and
also interacting with others.
My favorite food is sushi and butter chicken.
My favorite thing to do in my spare is sometimes read and finish my left over work
from school
My teacher is Mrs Tofa. My hobbies are playing with my friends and
also interacting with others.
My favorite food is sushi and butter chicken.
My favorite thing to do in my spare is sometimes read and finish my left over work
from school
At the st john program i got a silver trophy. My mum and my dad are both cook island.
I have been at glenbrae school for 6 years now. I have enjoyed being at this primary
I have been at glenbrae school for 6 years now. I have enjoyed being at this primary
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